You just described my life. After a failed discectomy in January I now
suffer from what is commonly called a recurrent or recurring disc.
Surgery isn't the only option!! There are wonderful nerve meds called
Gababpentin and Lyrica that help with the awful pain. It does make you
sleepy, but as far as I know there aren't many meds that interact with
it. I take 2400mg per day (it's the max dose that is effective), but
they would start you out a lot lower. Please ask your dr about these
meds. They are also used for seizures and fibro pain and can be taken
long term. The side effects do lessen in time, and IMO are worth it for
the relief it brings. Every dosage increase I'm a zombie for a few days;
but that passes.
I'm in the process of trying to get a spinal cord stimulator. That is a
surgery, and one of last resort with my insurance I think. But it is
either that or a fusion and with me being still so young, neither I or
my dr want me to have one if it can be helped. It will probably just
cause problems later.
If you want to talk further, please contact me! Remove the REMOVE in my
email address and you've got me. :) I've had years of this type of pain,
and have done the gamut of treatment. Don't let them tell you that your
only option is surgery because it isn't. You can have a variety of
injections, and even something where they kill off some of the
non-needed nerves with heat that are there to do nothing but cause pain
(I forget the name of the treatment, but I had it done).
Post by Shirley ShonePost by Marilee MGood morning Shirley! Well have no idea what time it is in England, but
whatever hope this finds you feeling good. I know you have tried to
revive the group and I truly thought you might have succeeded but after
a few posts, Nothing!!! I do beaded cabs but have to admit so busy
trying to clear out years of craft supplies that haven't touched a bead
(except to buy more) for months!!!! It is an addiction!!!
Well it is morning now and I have just struggled to get up.
I too have done many crafts in the past and am trying to get rid of some
of the things I have. I know I shall never do some of them anymore.
Since my health as deteriorated over the last 18 months. Been rushed in
hospital 5 times with heart problems. I have another cross to bear.
The results of my MRI scan two weeks ago showed that I have a bulging
disc in my spine in the lumber region. That is the cause of the
excruciating back and leg pains I have been suffering for 10 months.
The only solution is surgery but alas my heart may not stand up to it.
A tough decision to make, risk my life or be in pain for the rest of it.
I have been to an osteopath but he cannot help me.
So I keep myself busy with Genealogy and occasional beadwork.
Any one can feel free to e-mail me and I will reply when I can.
Address below,